Monday, June 1, 2009


SADC Ministers responsible for Agriculture and Food Security met recently in Johannesburg, South Africa to review progress on the regional food security situation, and -on the implementation of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan and the Dar-es-Salaam Declaration Plan of Action on Agriculture and Food Security. Writes Simba Nembaware

Food Security Situation,Food Availability and Climate Change were some of the key areas reviewed.

Ministers noted that the regional food security situation had improved in 2009 compared to 2008 following favourable rains in the region that saw many states expecting better harvests. The meeting revealed that the region is still a net importer of milk and meat despite a significant increase in the production of animal products in 2008 compared to 2007. Similarly, the region has recorded a steady increase in fish production in recent years.

Commitment to the implementation of the Dar-es-salaam Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security was reaffirmed by the ministers after a realisation that the implementation of this Declaration in the past 5 years had yielded positive results and has potential to contribute to improving the regional food security situation and nutrition at household level.

The Ministers noted progress made in increasing the availability and use of key agricultural inputs such as seed and fertilizer. They observed that in the past one year, negotiations on the development of a memorandum of understanding for implementing the harmonized seed regulatory system, which was approved in 2007 have been completed. The system aims at improving seed trade and availability of high quality seed to farmers in the region. This will complement the efforts of Member States in improving crop production and food security.

According to the SADC Report on the meeting, the three pillars of food security; food availability, food access and food safety are threatened by the effects of climate change. It says its impact on precipitation, temperature, and increased frequency of drought and floods is considered detrimental to the agricultural sector.

The Ministers therefore recognized the important role of research in adaptation to climate change, and the initiatives taken by their counterparts dealing with climate change in considering the development of the strategy for the region as a mechanism for adaptation to the phenomenon.


  1. Did they consider the volatile situations in the region

  2. I think such meetings should also address ways of getting food to millions of desperate people in SADC there has to be a way they can alliviate Zimbabwe in terms of food access

  3. they should also report on governments that implement agricultural programmes that threaten food security in the region
